Excluídos/incluídos. O debate brasileiro
Excluídos/incluídos. O debate brasileiro – Exclus/inclus. Le débat brésilien – Excluded/included. On the Brazilian debate.
Gustavo Lins Ribeiro (antropólogo, UnB, Brasilia) – “Why (post)colonialism and (de)coloniality of power are not enough. A postimperialist perspective”
Ruben Oliven (antropólogo, UFRGS, Porto Alegre) « Parochial cosmopolitanism?: insiders and outsiders in Anthropology »
- Résumé
Like other sciences, Anthropology started in places that see themselves and are seen as central. England, France and the United States are traditionally regarded as producing metropolitan anthropology. This has to do with the origin of our sciences and the socio-economic and political position of those countries. I would like to argue that with the changes that have been occurring, those countries are becoming less central than they were and other forms of practicing Anthropology are developing. The fact that metropolitan Anthropology very frequently does not engage with other forms of Anthropology tends to make them parochial in the sense that they end up speaking and writing mostly to themselves without entering in a dialogue with other places where a rich Anthropology is developing. I would like to challenge the idea that nowadays it is still possible to speak about insiders and outsiders in Anthropology in the same way as was done in the past.